hai!!! and assalamualaikum guys!!!...i'm grace from sabah.
I'm mix (malaysia and PHILIPPINES) hahahaha, take a deep breath before read my blog hahaha because it may too cheesy, CHILDISH and annoying.
love you all muahxxxx xoxo...

" Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"

Sunday, 24 June 2012

My Mom

Mom, without you, there would be no me.
Your love, your attention, your guidance,
have made me who I am.

Without you, I would be lost,
wandering aimlessly,
without direction or purpose.

You showed me the way
to serve, to accomplish, to persevere.

Without you, there would be an empty space
I could never fill, no matter how I tried.

Instead, because of you,
I have joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace.

Thank you, mom.
I have always loved you
and I always will.

Always There For Your Daughter : My Daddy

Every day the whole year through,
I feel grateful you are my father.

You always make the effort to listen and share;
You're there whenever you're needed.

Because I know how much you care,
My problems are all defeated.
Dad, you are truly admired and adored,
And I hope you always know,

Your daughter's affection for you is strong,
And my love continues to grow.
Although  we're rarely to spent the time together
I know you love me dad
it's enough for me that i know you are my dad
it's enough for me that i know there is a piece of love from deep inside of your heart for me
it's enough for me when you hugs me after you hugs "them"
it's enough for me that you always be there when i need you
Dad i love you so much, i really do
For God Sake, I proud to be your daughter and I redha with this fate
Thank you for bringing me into this world.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Friends "Trainees"

 Ramai 2 pegi lunch di Subang perdana.memang bestla, tak sangka different university bole jadi friends walaupun pertemuan yg sementara.

Mesti rindu dengan dorang semua, tak pe nanti convo bole jumpa lagi..inSyAllah!!!!


....This Poem for u all Guyss ...


The Heart Of Friendship

The bond of friendship is everlasting
True friends never say good-bye
There is pure truth between us
That will never die

The miles between will be rough
So carry the memories with you
Because the power of friendship
Will always carry you through

Remember, never forget
To follow what's in your heart
Because true friends
Will never be apart

We will soon see each other again
Our Lord will keep us strong till then
My heart holds you deep as friend
Praying that the Lord brings you home again

The Lord will comfort my heart
Washing away the ache with the tears that I cry
So I will say see you soon
And never good-bye

 some picturessssssss....!!!

 Ain and fad... sembunyi !!!! hahhaah

kak ain!!!!!!!!!!!!


Best moment with u all guysssssssss!!!!!!!!
love u all...

Mas Airlines "E&M Finance Department"

Pejam celik pejam celik macam tak percaya jak i dah abis practical, sepanjang internship banyak dugaan banyak benda yang berlaku. Alhamdullilah I done it !!!...

I got Big boss yang best and baik,she calm and powerful woman, she is the vice president of E&M Finance department (Madam Sumitha). The day before I finished my training, she sponsor Pizza and makan2 for the farewell n to treat the staffs for the stock take project. I'm happy being part of the team. Yang paling Best Our Chief Executive Officer of MAE (Mr.Azhari Mohd Dahlan) also came to the "makan".

such a lucky day for me, CEO tuuu Mary grace...Time bagi speech pun rasa nak tercabut jantung nie. They ask me to give a speech !!! ohhh God!!! in front the Big big Boss!!!!!.....shoot me!!! now..but when he said " ready Mary grace, u want to do the speech or singing?" of course la speech sirrr!!!!! hahhahaahah.

Happy gilaaaaaaaa......!!!! Then, he said " we have to change" and yess i believe that!!!......he can make a changes,all staffs can make a changes, go go go MAS Airlines!!!!!!...dont give up!!!!...

Then, time nak keluar office I nangis sebab confirm i rindu the situation and the people inside there, Izyan is my trainee mate gonna miss her..gila2 juga..cantik macm model.....i love her....!!!

Kak Shiema banyak mgajar i tentang kehidupan and i will apply the theory " dont scared of anyone, be independent and be a positive thinker"
thankss kakak..i love u...!!!

And all the people laaaaaaaaaaa.....
gonna miss u allll arggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh...

Melangkah keluar dari hangar dengan perasaan sedih........bila lagi I bole masuk sana?....

BYE2 KLIA and SUBANG officeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11



GONNA MISS u ALL guyssss!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Saya gemuk@ chubby @ sewaktu dengannya

Okay, guysss u all know i dalam kategori perempuan2 "gemuk", susah kot nak bergaya, susah nak cari kasut especially high heel, susah nak cari baju, susah nak cari seluar...semua susahlaaa tapi conclusion pakai apa pun kalau dah tak cantik ..tak cantikla juga hahahhaha..(joke!!1..i comel apa..kan kan kan..sapa setuju..angkat tangan).

since secondary school i memang gemuk....ada budak2 nakal selalu ejek"Grace Gemuk" sakit hati kan....tapi tak pa laaa..then pernah minat senior tapi senior layan kawan i sbb cantik...hahahhaa geram kan...whatever!!! ko fikir ko handsome!!!(memang pun Mary) ...

masuk university size tetap mantain until my daddy cakap "anak daddy is different, anak org lain kecil2 mcm kucing, anak daddy mcm gajah" hahaha jahat kan my dad...tu belum my mom lagi " tengok bha badanmu tu, gemuk, kasih kurusla badan tu, nanti tiada mau kawin kau"...memang betul juga sapa nak gemuk kan...tapi ada ku kisah..(fikir senangkah mau pelihara lemak bertahun2 hahahahah cehhh nak cover la tu kan).

Tapi i tried juga many times diet but nothing happen ..seksa kot...i tak makan nasi on april and may but still kurang 2 3 kilo jak...penat ehhhh..i makan nasi balik....

mesti korang nak tgk gambar full size kan..pegila facebook aku " bankersgirl90@yahoo.com" ahhh ni lagi satu..izyan kata "funny ohh ur email mcm budak2" semua ckp i mcm budak2...nie tak puas hati ni hahhahahahahhahaha...whatever!!!!

yang penting saya gembira !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so, those yg sesaiz dgn aku..jgn lemah semangat ir fikir diri tak cantik..semua girls kat dunia nie cantik kalau kena pada penampilannya..cehhhhhh ayat kuu bhaaa..

tak pe..makeup2 sikit kah...dress2 yg kena dgn badan kah..or beauty natural kah...
terima diri seadanya...

walau kita tak cantik ...kita comel!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhhhaahaha

konon laaa.....nak bagi senang hati....


English man

Ohhh Goshhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!..i saw one english man with bright smile and prettiest eyes ever...
YYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!! I'm not notice him before this?....1 week more i will finish my training...arghhhhhhhhh
he give me a smile....gila suda mary niee hahahahha

Now, i cant wait until lunch hour..bcuz he will be there "Mhub" hhahahhahahaahaha
tapiiiiiiiiiiiii maybe he's married hahahaha...ada cincin kot ..tak pe laaa.....
minat jak kot!!!!!!!!!!!!!....(jangan fikir bukan2)...tapi ada ku kesahh hahahaha...joke guysss

but seriously i fall in "like" at first sight hahahahha (not love ok!!)

i love ur eyes hahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!

what is ur name?
are u consultant here?
how long u been here?
how old are u?
are u married?

there are so many question i want to ask u!!!!....
who are u!!!
where are u!!
which department!!!


silly ahhhh...bak kata najwa and ain " Mary nie macam budak2"
so, guysss,!! dont take this seriously..I'm just having fun "flirting2" walaupun tak cantik...maklumlah dah nak abis practical...!!!

BTW ...He's handsome !!!!!!!!


are u single?....double or triple.....hahahaha
that will be the first question coming out from man when they try to approach u ..is it?

what is the point talking about it?

For me since u are single u are free to do anything, free to be friends with everyone, free to hanging out with anybody at anytimes u want.

U will know ur partner very well after 1 year, yes believe me...after 1 year the angel will transform to evil n in contra evil can be angel...that it !!!!

Well.... I have to focus on finishing my final semester, then find job, stabilize my life, form my own life, create my own future, there is a reason y god send me into this world...maybe i cant see it now..maybe god test me...and i redha for that...

No love2 more after this hahahhahhaa..iya2 laaa tu...

if tak kahwin kat dunia nie, ambil anak angkat ..then jaga!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahaahhaa

okay, being hurt? ... I'm getting use of it!!! hahahhaahhaaa

okay guyssss....crying?..dont cry...dont wasting ur valuable tears for someone that hurting u...that is life..being love..being hurt...ahhhh...apa ku merepek nie...

tak bestlaaa post sedih2 kannnnnn....whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 I'm okay!!!

YES!!! I'm okay...hahaahhaa...
silly lah u MARY GRACE,......!!!!


Monday, 4 June 2012

My name???

okay!!! dgn lafaz bismillah i start update lagi hahahha

hello guys, lama tak update kan...(cehh ayat ko Mary Grace mcm beribu org baca blog haha) whatever!!!
well I confuse la, should i change my name to muslim name? or just let it be Mary Grace forever and ever.

Bcuz kan last week i pegi PERKIM somewhere in shah alam laa...maybe one of the branch kot dalam masjid, bertanya kepada ustaz " perlukah saya tukar nama islam"? he said "dalam ic ada tulis islam kah?
i said yes !!!.. since 12 years old kan..then, he said  its ok if u guna ur current name but if u want to change u kena buat byk procedur  la....( dgn perasaan hampa n kecewa ku melangkah keluar dari masjid btw i happy sbb byk persoalan yg bermain di fikiranku terjawab dengan bantuan ustaz tu)..terima kasih ustaz!!!

I want to share about someone that i really admire My Ustazah (http://www.facebook.com/sharifah.fadylawaty)...ustazah sharifah  ( alaamak i forgot la her full name ) sbb most of the time i call her ustazah..okay back to the point !! she is my ustazah n i meet her in one of the muallaf program la long time ago hahhahaha.....comel!!!!!!!!!!!....she always give me advice about religious n life...she gave me a million spirit that i can be more better than now,  I thinks she is the second woman in my life that i believe after my mom. Thanks ustazah sbb answer my persoalan2 yg tergiang2 di kepala for 21 years being a human being in this earth. hahahahah..

okay grammar I TERUK!!! ada ku kisah

Yesterday, I buat stock take lagi..then, time nak verify2 recpncilliation sheet one of the uncle serve some kuih2 n cup of coffee la. Org2 kat warehouse semua baik2 terutama yg senior2...he said to me "Mary nanti cari calon suami yg bole bimbing mary betul2". Then, i fikir layak kah i dapat lelaki yg baik sedangkan i tak baik n jahil ttg agama. sbb i selalu ingat ayat nie" perempuan yg baik untuk lelaki yg baik n begitulah sebaliknya". so, how ahhh? nak dpt yg baik ? hahahahha...

Ain is my current roomate, she's from UITM shah alam. Ain pun selalu ckp " pasangan kita adalah cerminan diri kita " so kalau nak dapat yg baik kita kena jadi baik. tapi mcm mn tu? hahhaahahaaaa

Tinggal 2 minggu lagi i will finish my training in MAS Airlines, but how ahh...should i go back to sabah or not????...TIDAKKKKK i dalam dilemaaaaaaa........

Any company want me to be the staff??? hahhhahahhahah...

okaylaa byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!