hai!!! and assalamualaikum guys!!!...i'm grace from sabah.
I'm mix (malaysia and PHILIPPINES) hahahaha, take a deep breath before read my blog hahaha because it may too cheesy, CHILDISH and annoying.
love you all muahxxxx xoxo...

" Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Sejak suda start kerja, memang busy...tapi best dapat cari duit sendiri. Betullah kata orang, tuhan itu adil dan semua yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya. Mungkin hikmah itu kita sendiri tidak sedar dan mungkin orang lain yang sedar.

Tapi rindu masa2 belajar dulu hahahha....Ya Tuhan banyaknya dugaan time belajar, syukur sangat2 dapat abiskan degree and come back to sabah.

New me, new job, everything is new hahahaha...


Ada jugakah orang baca blog saya nie...hahahaahaha

Anyway, sometimes u need to express ur feeling...is it?

kot hahahaha

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Hai Everyone!!!

   Currently, busy with work and the most important things was " its hard to make/get money " hhahaha
like i said to dad " susah nya cari duit . When u are starting to find life and start make ur own living, u need to be more careful with the money. " Ang hirap talaga mag hanap buhai ohhh " hahhaha ambil ko segala bahasa u punya keturunan keluar. 

Now, I'm working with Maybank and getting use to deal with client hahahhaha....(Faham fahamla bha tu !!!) u meet up with different people from different background kakaka...

Sometimes u have to let something go from ur life and give a chances to those who want to change.

Mengantuk suda,,,byeeee