hai!!! and assalamualaikum guys!!!...i'm grace from sabah.
I'm mix (malaysia and PHILIPPINES) hahahaha, take a deep breath before read my blog hahaha because it may too cheesy, CHILDISH and annoying.
love you all muahxxxx xoxo...

" Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Jom Masuk Warehouse MAS

I will be in KLIA office 1 or 2 days in a week, I have to go to the Warehouse where the material or items for the aircraft disimpan.

U know guysss, they have to arrange the item according to the location, I have to understand the term like QUG, QVA, QIN and many morelaaa....

but yg penatnya, I have to observe them on how they count the stock, record and so on..but u knowlaaa kena berjalan seluruh warehouse yang besar giler tuuu....

ahhh ambil kauuuu grace !!!...bayangkan macm mana nak cari part number untuk specific item mcm nie???
susah kerja org physical niee

Encik Rafar bring me to look all around the warehouse

At the end of the day..my kaki sakit gileee!!! pakaila high heel lagi masuk warehouse...padan muka!!!


My new Favourite Egg Tarts in KFC....


Senior Manager belanja satu deparment in Chili's


Our manager Sir Kim Hoe  belanja all the Engineering & Maintenance staffs makan2.....
best giler makan ramai2 then we make a birthday surprise for our Vice President Madam Sumitha 

The bill was about Rm 5** kot hahah, alaaa senior manager gaji tinggii....it's not a matter laa..kan sir!!!! hahahahah....

Our Vice President

jom Makan!!!!!...refill air byk kali hahhah

All people busy with their meal, Grace busy with camera!!

Grace..nak nie???? hhehehe

Sir Syam...

Sir Kim Hoe busy makan...then Tak sempat take his pic..BTW Sir!!! Thank You For the Lunch!!!!!!!!! haahahahahaahhah

Disappointedd !!!!!!

Assalamualikum guysss,

What is going on with this world nowadays aaahh??? ....I rasa sangatla disappointed with those people outside there that like to talk about the negative part of others but they themselves did not aware that they are more worst. 

There is a situation where they need ur opinion about an issues and when u give your idea, they get mad ???.....damn is it. I know my knowledge in religious is less than them but i have my own right to correct u...

I dont like u to talk about the bad things of others religious and I dont like others talk nonsense or bad things about my religious ...is that clearrrrrrrr????

Of Course I believe Islam because I'm Muslim, Dont jump into ur assumption that I did not believe in God just because I advice u to not insulting others religious. 

Jangan mempersoalkan kepercayaan saya dengan Allah
Kerana itu antara saya dan Allah
Biar Allah yang menilai 
Kalau kita mau orang lain menghormati agama kita
Kita mesti menghormati agama mereka
Walaupun kamu mempunyai pengetahuan agama yang tinggi
Jangan sesekali memburukkan sesama sendiri
Sekian, Terima Kasih

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

"Beauty With Brain"

Assalamualikum !!!!

Okay, today our topic was about the beauty and the brain. Well, we always nampak perempuan2 lawa tapi adakah they smart or intelligent or dot ...dot...dot ... whatever la yg sewaktu dengannya. Ada yang muka jak lawa, cantik slim tapi ______ err u decide lah nak fill apa kat blank tu hahahaha..

I suka make-up, handbag, dress tapi tak boleh beli selalu sebab noooooooo moneyyyy!!!!!!!! nak kerja cepat...nak buy my own assets....my own!!!!!!! on my own cehhh mcm lirik lagu gitu..

Mengada kan grace nie hahahhaha...

Okay back to the topic, there are many people that I really admire laaa....I want to be like them...mesti u alll kenal kak Maria dia blogger ....I like her very much....funny, intelligent, happy go lucky, be herself and not hypocrite and of courseeeeee cantik!!!!!!!!!....this is what we call "beauty with brain"...she is engineer tau!!!!.......blogger paling besttttttttttttttttttt................styleeeeeeeeee gituuuuuu...click here to know her :http://peliks.blogspot.com/

cantik kannnnn kak Maria

Pandai lagi hehhehe

nak jadi macam kak Maria tapi bidang lari I ambil Finance

Then, we go to next person...
Fatin Liyana also blogger...bakal doctor tauu ...dan yg penting ..dia cantik !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Next...Lisa surihani.....cantikkkkkkkkkkk....seksiiiiiiiii....bijakkkkkkkkkkkkk


Ambil law tuuuuuuuuuuuu

Ramai lagi laaaaaaa tapi penat nak upload gambar dorang haahhaahahah

Nak jadi macam dorang
bole tak???

Yes berangan lah Grace!!!
reduce ur weight firsttt but i love to eatt
macam mana mau kurus nie,...
huwaaaa huwaaaaaaa.....(tangisan dalam ketawa)

but I cute juga bha...kan..kan...kannn
setujulahhh hahahha
tak malu punya Grace..

love u all Guysssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

I'm so emotional....

I'm become so emotional tonight, regarding to my plan, i must sleep at 11.00 pm to get enough  rest but my tears keep dropping on my cheek ... y?

Weird is it?

I really miss daddy, my mom and my half-sibling actually 

Daddy : I love u so much n I miss u, i want to hug u, i want always be beside u but i know n realize my position in your life....I know u love me but u can't show ur love to me because u scared u will hurt them...i understand dad...like u said " grace big girl already " ...I'm going 22 years old dad...big gilr suda.....give me time to understand all of this and i will try to accept the fact...i know there is so much pain inside me n it kill me.....i just want u to love me like u love others....

Mom: u know what make me become so strong to go through this life mom?...its bcuz of u..i love u mom and i will never let anybody to hurt u anymore ... i miss u....u have me n for sure I have u.....a lot of circumstances and obstacles that we face together n I promise I will change our fate...I was born to make u happy mom...now i know y God send me to you...

Half-sibling : I love u all guyss....study hard be a useful human beings!!!....

ohhhh man ...plezz stop the tears ...arghhhh it make the mucus block my nose...arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

"Seharian di hangar kapal terbang MAS"

Its so funny bila kumpul ramai2 dengan budak2 trainee yang lain...different universities...different perangai and yang paling lucu they know my name but i dont know their name hahahhaha minta maaf ya kawan2 ... bab2 ingat nama orang nie Mary Grace susah sikit.. maklumla faktor usia dah nak masuk 22 tahun hahaha...

Berangan sekejap jadi "pilot"...dah la Grace...jadi org finance jak laaa!!! hahahaa

Izyan my trainee-mate under E&M department

Masuk semua anak2 hahhaha

welcome to MAS ...... Terlalu comel untuk jadi flight attendant hahhahaha ( mau muntah ) but seriously when we went to the room for the steward and stewardess "TAK NAK KERJA PRAMUGARI" sbb my saiz tak muat untuk their katil hahahahhahahha.....sememangnya I was born to be Finance People....

Ada gaya datin tak? datin tak duduk kat economic class dohhh ( but i tak suke high profile sgt ) yakhhhh grace plezzz come to ur sense of humour eyuwwwwww...........
da miskin buat cara miskin kakakakakaka...

sempat ohhh take pic with one of the maintenance people...dont worry I'm not interesting with him  hahahah..gedik nak mampus ko Grace!!!!!

Finish the training first...then
find a good job....then
save ur money and buy ur own assetss...then
further study...then
bring mumy to travel..then
buy "bonia" bag for her...then
nak K*A*I*....THEN...
biarlah rahsiah....


Terlalu banyak dugaan dan cabaran yang aku tempuhi selama hidup di atas muka bumi ini, dugaan yang tidak boleh ku luahkan atau berkongsi dengan orang lain melainkan my mom.

Every single people in the world have their own problems. So do i but until when?

Aku takut menghadapi hari ini , esok dan hari2 seterusnya kerana aku tahu aku tidak cukup kuat untuk meneruskan kehidupan and nasib baik i have my mom and my dad.. I know Allah love me sebab selalu menemukan aku dengan insan2 yang baik akhlaknya seperti ustazah2 dan ustaz2 yang berusaha menbantu kami yang memerlukan pimpinan agama  namun aku tetap diuji oleh Allah dengan menemukan aku dengan manusia2 yang durjana .

Aku tahu Allah ingin menunjukkan aku erti kehidupan yang sebenar2 nya, aku suda mulai tahu mentafsir perwatakan dan sifat seseorang itu, baik pada luarnya, dalaman hanya Allah yang tahu. Aku seperti insan2 lain yang melakukan kesilapan tapi kesilapan itulah yang mematangkan diri kita untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Tekananku kadang2 mebuatku untuk melakukan pkara bodoh spr suicide but org selalu cakap " orang bunuh diri tak hidu bau syurga dan tak dterima Allah". Berdosa nya aku.

Aku selalu berfikir susahkah untuk aku bahagia? kenapa aku sentiasa diuji? kenapa kadang2 aku tidak sedar aku menyalahkan takdir walhal Allah suda menentukan yang terbaik untuk umatnya. Aku tetap bersyukur walaupun aku tidak mempunyai keluarga yang sempurna, didikan agama yang tdk sempurna seperti keluarga org lain . Aku gembira kerana i  still have my mom, daddy n my step-sibling, my friends.

Semua ujian ini megajarku untuk lebih tabah, kuat untuk hidup. ujian inilah yang membuat ku belajar sehingga   degree maybe betul kawan2 aku cakap " u ada something yang u tak sedar Allah bagi " knp aku hanya melihat pada negativenya? kenpa aku tak melihat positivenya?

Ya Allah Kuatkan aku ...
Permudahkan perjalanan hidupku...
Permudahkan  perjuanganku...
Permudahkan kewanganku...
Lindungi diriku...
Lindungi Maruahku...
Lindungi lah Orang2 yang ku sayang...
Murahkanla rezekiku...
