hai!!! and assalamualaikum guys!!!...i'm grace from sabah.
I'm mix (malaysia and PHILIPPINES) hahahaha, take a deep breath before read my blog hahaha because it may too cheesy, CHILDISH and annoying.
love you all muahxxxx xoxo...

" Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

"Seharian di hangar kapal terbang MAS"

Its so funny bila kumpul ramai2 dengan budak2 trainee yang lain...different universities...different perangai and yang paling lucu they know my name but i dont know their name hahahhaha minta maaf ya kawan2 ... bab2 ingat nama orang nie Mary Grace susah sikit.. maklumla faktor usia dah nak masuk 22 tahun hahaha...

Berangan sekejap jadi "pilot"...dah la Grace...jadi org finance jak laaa!!! hahahaa

Izyan my trainee-mate under E&M department

Masuk semua anak2 hahhaha

welcome to MAS ...... Terlalu comel untuk jadi flight attendant hahhahaha ( mau muntah ) but seriously when we went to the room for the steward and stewardess "TAK NAK KERJA PRAMUGARI" sbb my saiz tak muat untuk their katil hahahahhahahha.....sememangnya I was born to be Finance People....

Ada gaya datin tak? datin tak duduk kat economic class dohhh ( but i tak suke high profile sgt ) yakhhhh grace plezzz come to ur sense of humour eyuwwwwww...........
da miskin buat cara miskin kakakakakaka...

sempat ohhh take pic with one of the maintenance people...dont worry I'm not interesting with him  hahahah..gedik nak mampus ko Grace!!!!!

Finish the training first...then
find a good job....then
save ur money and buy ur own assetss...then
further study...then
bring mumy to travel..then
buy "bonia" bag for her...then
nak K*A*I*....THEN...
biarlah rahsiah....

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