hai!!! and assalamualaikum guys!!!...i'm grace from sabah.
I'm mix (malaysia and PHILIPPINES) hahahaha, take a deep breath before read my blog hahaha because it may too cheesy, CHILDISH and annoying.
love you all muahxxxx xoxo...

" Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The miracle happen because of "Facebook"

What facebook have done to my family? 

This is how the story begin... 

My mom is from Philippines, she go to Malaysia when she was around 24 years old (not sure but I will ask my mom back hahahhaa). She works here and got married here and of coursela convert to muslim. Lost contact with her family for most 20 years. Then, one day I don't know how but I glad I did it, I change my name in Facebook to " Mary Grace Acoba Quatchon" because my mom said to us that the surname of her family in Philippines  is Quatchon and proudly I used it as my surname hahahah (sorry Auntie N Uncle ). 

After few days, one of my Aunt in Philippines send a message to me through my Facebook asking about Imelda Perpetua Acoba Quatchon and u know guyss that time I was surprised because " ohhh god !!! how she know my mom?" . She is Auntie Luz and she said that one of their long lost family was in Malaysia and she said that my mom have a daughter that have a same name and age like me.

Guess what guyss? they are my mom family!!!!...ohhh god, directly I call my mom and tell her . Then, you know my mom crying crying crying because of happiness and Thanks God bcuz make my my mom to smile again, the smile that i waiting for most 10 years. My mom really have a tough and hard time in raising me and my others half-sibling. For me, my mom is a strong woman that I ever know in my life and for sure I love her so much. Most of my uncles and aunties already migrated to America and some of them still staying in Philippines but now they already found my mom and call her.

I really grateful to god because I don't know that I have my own uncles and aunties hahahahaha...all of us happy with this miracle "THANK YOU FACEBOOK AND OF COURSE YOU !!! MARK ZUCKERBERG" i love u laaaaa.....

My Mom's Family

 My Mom

 My uncles

  My Auntie Jovie


        Auntie Luz and her family



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