Assalamualikum !!!!
Okay, today our topic was about the beauty and the brain. Well, we always nampak perempuan2 lawa tapi adakah they smart or intelligent or dot ... whatever la yg sewaktu dengannya. Ada yang muka jak lawa, cantik slim tapi ______ err u decide lah nak fill apa kat blank tu hahahaha..
I suka make-up, handbag, dress tapi tak boleh beli selalu sebab noooooooo moneyyyy!!!!!!!! nak kerja cepat...nak buy my own own!!!!!!! on my own cehhh mcm lirik lagu gitu..
Mengada kan grace nie hahahhaha...
Okay back to the topic, there are many people that I really admire laaa....I want to be like them...mesti u alll kenal kak Maria dia blogger ....I like her very much....funny, intelligent, happy go lucky, be herself and not hypocrite and of courseeeeee cantik!!!!!!!!!....this is what we call "beauty with brain"...she is engineer tau!!!!.......blogger paling besttttttttttttttttttt................styleeeeeeeeee here to know her :
cantik kannnnn kak Maria
Pandai lagi hehhehe
nak jadi macam kak Maria tapi bidang lari I ambil Finance
Then, we go to next person...
Fatin Liyana also blogger...bakal doctor tauu ...dan yg penting ..dia cantik !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Next...Lisa surihani.....cantikkkkkkkkkkk....seksiiiiiiiii....bijakkkkkkkkkkkkk

Ambil law tuuuuuuuuuuuu

Ramai lagi laaaaaaa tapi penat nak upload gambar dorang haahhaahahah
Nak jadi macam dorang
bole tak???
Yes berangan lah Grace!!!
reduce ur weight firsttt but i love to eatt
macam mana mau kurus nie,...
huwaaaa huwaaaaaaa.....(tangisan dalam ketawa)
but I cute juga bha...kan..kan...kannn
setujulahhh hahahha
tak malu punya Grace..
love u all Guysssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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